Below are the types of competitions we will host:
SCSC: Steel City Team Sniper Challenge. This match will require the competitors to traverse varied, hilly wooded terrain with all gear needed for the day. The course length is up to 4 miles. All stages will be blind, with limited information given. Competitors will be expected to detect, lase, and engage targets that will be in varying states of camouflage throughout the property. This event will be a primary shooter-Bolt gun in .308, .260, 6.5 Creedmoor or .223. The secondary shooter will be required to carry an AR in .223/5.56 with a barrel length restriction of 18” and an optic with 10x max magnification max. Both team members will be required to shoot pistol.
SCRC: Steel City Rifleman’s Challenge. This match will be an individual match where the rifleman will engage targets in practical/field, blind & semi-blind stages along a natural terrain rifle course. Unlike our team match, this event will be held on the SCP south course only, so the movements between stages will be short.
Most stages will be semi-blind where small squads will hike (untimed) to a stage area and will be read a stage brief by a roaming RO. Upon completion of the brief, each shooter may get a short opportunity to view the targets on glass depending on stage design. Squads will then move to a holding area and wait their turn to shoot without the ability to study range conditions on glass while others are shooting. Competitors should expect to locate, range, and engage all targets. Some targets will be painted subdued colors. Competitors will be expected to come up with a strategy under tight time constraints with limited information given to them.
Some stages will have a combination of unknown distance, and known distance targets throughout the course.
Targets may be placed from contact distance - 1,000+ yards.
This match is not a physical fitness event, but will require competitors to traverse hilly, unmanicured terrain will all their gear.
Any common short action caliber is permitted: .223 .308, 6.5 creed, 6 creed, 6mm variant…(under 3,200 fps)
SCDMR: The Steel City DMR challenge will be a gas gun-only event with an emphasis on speed-related semi-blind stages and short time hacks. Competitors can expect to have a short period of target observation time to come up with a plan to engage both known distance and unknown distance targets. There will be TAC (.223/.308) and Open division.
SCRGN: The Steel City Ruck-n-Gun is a sprint course concept where a competitor carries either a carbine and pistol or carbine only and traverses a course while being on the clock the entire time. Our intention is to utilize race tracking software similar to triathlons for the timed portion. Light and fast is the name of the game.