SCP is made up of a team of dedicated precision riflemen. We are avid competitors, shooters and hunters who are dedicated to the development of comprehensive field rifleman skills.
John was introduced to competitive shooting in order to maintain proficiency with his service weapons as a police officer in Upstate New York. After suffering an injury, John changed careers but continued shooting competitively. 3-gun and USPSA were his focus, but now shoots precision rifle exclusively. John prefers team, “field style" competitions that challenge you to detect, range, and engage targets while managing your gear under time and stress in realistic scenario-based stages. Over 20 years of experience as a competitor and match director.
Zach spent 9 years active duty with 5th Special Forces Group with 3 combat deployments to the middle east to combat ISIS. Zach also spent 3 years as a Special Forces Sniper course level 2 instructor. His current role is the SFSC program manager for 20th Special Forces Group. Zach is very active in precision rifle competitions around the country, from team sniper matches to PRS. Zach took 3rd place at USASOC in 2020, with 3 total appearances at USASOC.
Walt was a staple of the precision rifle game in the early days pre- PRS when matches were much more physically demanding. An original member of team accurate ordnance, Walt would always be willing to help anyone at a match who needed it. He has competed in a diverse series of events, from Allegheny Sniper Challenge, NF ELR, Mammoth Sniper Challenge, and the Steel City matches from the early 2000’s. He has also been the MD for fight oar die team benefit matches.
Bob is active duty. Bio coming soon.